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  • The cartoonist lets his family come up with ideas for his father's day cartoon.
  • A black cat shows its friend an app for finding people to cross paths with.
  • A teen laptop's dad tells her she can't go out with her easy password.
  • A man says he's a dog person because he likes pets that show affection, but the woman he's talking to has affectionate cats.
  • Cats get into a fight in an online chatroom.
  • A man in a seedy part of town gets nervous when his phone says he has a new follower.
  • A dish and a spoon go to the gym and the dish accidentally posts that they ran away together instead of that they're running in place together.
  • A dad reads to his kid, but he makes the stories sound like internet headlines.
  • A dog instant messages his friends.
  • An elephant looks at a picture of a wooly mammoth and his dad tells him body hair was in style back then.
  • A lawyer can't put the fox on the stand because he doesn't know what he'll say.
  • A dog has an embarrassing bowser history.