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  • The scarecrow tweets 'if only I had a brain' and then zombies retweet it.
  • A dog reads reviews on Yelp.
  • The wicked witch melts after attempting the ice bucket challenge.
  • A YouTube-famous cat arrives at a party.
  • A woman reads how to break up with her boyfriend online.
  • Pinocchio lies on his dating profile and his nose breaks his computer screen.
  • A bird tweets during a meal because it's polite in his family.
  • R2D2 shows advertisements before a hologram.
  • A dog reads a Buzzfeed article called the Top 25 Foulest Stenches of All Time.
  • Heaven gets crowded, so the angels might have to update their cloud storage.
  • An old man tries to recycle his iPad in a newspaper recycling bin.
  • A woman thinks a man is lame for having nothing better to do than IM her on a Saturday night, but then she realizes she's doing the same thing.