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  • Nothing appears under the Christmas tree because all the gifts are digital downloads.
  • Snowflake needs to change outdate raindrop profile pic.
  • Santa is original binge watcher, watching kids all the time.
  • Jesus can't believe his photo of two fish and 5 loaves of bread got 5000 shares.
  • Dinosaur's computer gives him a warning that ice age is coming.
  • Cat wonders why it's a big deal to use pic of owner sleeping as profile pic since she does the same.
  • Dog versions of social networking websites.
  • Cat versions of social networking websites.
  • Student tells teacher that her pop quiz lowered her Yelp rating
  • Cat versions of Twitter feeds, Dropbox, swiping, and finding hot spots.
  • Dog versions of Facebook, Snapchat, Periscope, and Spotify