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Browse our Computers Cartoons

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  • A cat hacks a computer to produce a furball.
  • A pair of dogs use the computer to find out which local cats have been declawed.
  • A devil gives a sinner a virtual reality helmet, saying that even in hell they have to keep up with technology.
  • Cats return a computer after buying it by accident because they thought it came with an oversized mouse.
  • An Apple computer falls on the head of Isaac Newton's great, great, great, great, great, great grandson.
  • Dozens of cats attack Mickey Mouse.
  • A man throws his computer out the window.
  • A musician picks song lyrics with words that used to be swears a few years ago.
  • A computer goes postal after being forced to send too many emails.
  • A man's therapist thinks he's on the verge of a breakthrough, but actually the man is about to break through the window and escape.
  • A computer eats a man's files because he put them on the menu.
  • The cartoon shows faces and what they mean.