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Browse our Computers Cartoons

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  • A man tells his wife he had his secretary on his laptop most of the day and she pours soup all over him.
  • A website is worried a man doesn't care about her.
  • The Cookie Monster is excited when the Keebler website puts a cookie on his hard drive.
  • A scientists feeds an RAM doubler to a sheep.
  • A dog dislikes technology because now to eat kids' homework he has to eat their whole computer.
  • Office workers solve the Y2K problem, but their boss wants them to work on Y10K.
  • A woman smashes her hard drive and needs IT to defragment it.
  • A key goes to a hardware store to get himself duplicated so he can sneak out to play poker with his friends.
  • A woman gets the "ultimate memory" plug-in for her computer and it turns out to be an elephant trunk.
  • A mouse kid builds a mousetrap based on plans from the internet.
  • Scientists test a laptop the size of a large washing machine.
  • Bill Gates tries to license his childhood drawing.