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  • Orange on laptop browses O.J. OKCupid parody online fruit dates profile photos.
  • Supermarket self-checkout customer surprised by unexpected item strange alien in bagging area.
  • Delivered box embarrassed driver tagged proof of delivery photos on social media.
  • Cat sneaks outlawed catnip drugs illegally at secret blackmarket purr-easy speakeasies’ entrance.
  • Violent boot with knife chases scared shopper running out of clothing store advertising boot-cut jeans sign.
  • Sleeping patient’s eyeballs run circles around hospital bed as doctor monitors R.E.M. rapid eye movement chart.
  • Flirting cellphone hits on smartphone crush at bar, says can’t stop looking at it.
  • Robot in driverless car pulled over tells police it can’t see crosswalks or traffic lights unsafe driving excuse.
  • Injured snowman on laptop online medical web site steals snow man’s head to ice neck injury.
  • Mrs. Claus asks forgetful Santa home from global Christmas toy delivery if remembered switch off smartphone roaming.
  • Hacker Christmas elf on laptop disables security cameras, alarms and distracts guard dog with bone for Santa delivering toys.
  • Overworked tooth on laptop orders flight tickets on vacations booking website after Thanksgiving.