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Browse our Computers Cartoons

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  • A male snail delivers a mail message really slowly.
  • Dog's always watch the finger on the computer screen, not what its pointing at.
  • A man fishing delivers a worm virus to fish in an online attachment.
  • Charlie Brown uses a computer to prove he isn't a blockhead.
  • A man plays fetch with his computer dog instead of his real dog.
  • A Rube Goldberg machine will make pizza for your kids.
  • A computer has a conflict running the "Walk" and "Chew Gum" programs together.
  • Tofu and spam are combined, and cause a large explosion.
  • A cat gets an "optical mouse", a mouse who wears glasses.
  • A flight simulator with lots of crying babies.
  • Beavers call tech support because they have problems with logs falling off the dam.
  • A computer wants to know if the monitor makes it look big.