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Browse our Computers Cartoons

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  • Dogs put their latest butt recognition software to use.
  • Angels don't have to earn halos anymore, a friend can just burn them one.
  • A discus crashes, but the Romans made a backup.
  • A weasel is annoyed by pop-ups on the computer.
  • A pocket scanner for clothes before they go in the washing machine.
  • Atlantis really disappeared because of a computer error in heaven.
  • An award of the 'Most annoying repetitive song to accompany a computer game.'
  • A man sits on top of his lap bottom computer.
  • A dentist puts a computer chip in a filling to track brushing and flossing habits.
  • A kid brings his mom's meals to court because he dislikes spam.
  • A New Year's virus deletes all of the old acquaintances from your computer.
  • An interactive computer tells its user that was a stupid idea.