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Browse our Computers Cartoons

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  • An elephant calls his computer a rookie when it has a full memory.
  • In the new version of Goldilocks, she hacks porridge websites.
  • An angel tries to allocate everyone their fifteen minutes of fame, but they keep being taken.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead read magazines about the future.
  • A window pane saves the mesh screen from a cat.
  • A woman flosses her keyboard because she has too many crumbs from snacks in there.
  • Tech Support is called for the sword in the stone.
  • A dog goes for a simulated car ride.
  • A dog gets cyber scratched on the Internet.
  • A computer virus called 'New Year's Resolution'.
  • A gingerbread man sets his computer's browser to not accept all kinds of cookies.
  • A baby plays the game 'Sleep Depriver'.