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Browse our Computers Cartoons

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  • Prince Charming uses the Internet to find the person who has the other glass slipper.
  • Dr. Frankenstein calls neck support after the monster's head falls off.
  • A basketball video game that is very realistic.
  • A duck billed platypus looks at other beaks for surgery.
  • A computer uses a virus scan as protection before hooking up with another computer.
  • A kangaroo uses its laptop on her child's head.
  • A man is guilty of fraud by having a computer made out of a cardboard box.
  • A bat improves his ear-wing coordination by playing video games.
  • Parental controls on a computer tells the user what to do.
  • A cat uses the internet to track the migration of birds.
  • A cat gets carpal tunnel for holding onto a mouse too long.
  • Squirrels hack into a bird website.