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  • The author updates nursery rhymes for the modern era.
  • A woman has a spam filter that works on her family.
  • A Leprechaun is sent an e-mail that is a scam.
  • Two executives from the CD company are in court to try to stop pirating.
  • Trying to pay the vet bill online.
  • The illegal downloading of William Shatner material is punishment enough.
  • Alien's use Photoshop to remove themselves from pictures taken on Earth.
  • A test of the Virtual Dentist hardware, using the Virtual Optometrist software.
  • Microsoft creates a mosquito net that has flaws in it.
  • A man buys a gift for his wife online.
  • The ten leaping lords come with a Home Depot card for all the repairs.
  • A girl pretends to be practicing by playing music on her computer.