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  • The guide to web forums are set up like forums themselves; starting out good, but then going off topic.
  • File sharing in a jail gets out of hand.
  • A boy, who will be a radio director in the future, has a short list of games he will play.
  • A girl blinks and missing the best lightning of the night, that struck her brother.
  • The police arrest a man and Google search him.
  • This family uses the wagging tails of their dogs as a power source.
  • The Internet is used to pirate music before its even recorded.
  • A really useful search engine would be one that can locate our keys.
  • A fly is concerned to see that the spider web he landed on had a pop up spider.
  • Mr. Sorrentino couldn't think outside the box, cause he never took his light bulb out of it.
  • Being color blind while working with a printing machine can lead to some challenges.
  • A consumer and an executive wish for different kinds of CD burners.