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  • Employee does a bad job stacking Tetris game on computer game shelf.
  • In a computer game, one cow jumps over the moon while another cow has reached Saturn level.
  • Lawyer explains by laptop to a man on the moon that judge is known for strict restraining orders.
  • Carpenter shopping for nails sees a pirate in the hooks and eyes section of hardware store.
  • Owner posts video of pet cat on YouTube but cat thought the that catnip moment was private.
  • Husband uses software to show how salesman will look if he doesn't' stop flirting with wife.
  • A pilot whale meets another whale through online dating but doesn't know it's a killer whale.
  • An amusement park for flies has a house of windows rather than a house of mirrors.
  • D-mail will allow people to send messages while dreaming.
  • Doctors try life-saving measures when patient's phone ringtone sounds like erratic heart monitor
  • The email battle between manually typing and auto fill is on, starring Manual-Lee versus Otto-Phil.
  • Internet website provides genealogy services to find relatives and block relatives from finding you.