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  • Devil's political career is ruined by video on Youtube of him cuddling with kitty.
  • Monster reads book of people's faces called Facebook.
  • Angels sit in heaven watching the alternate endings to their lives.
  • Owner has facebook on computer and dog has Tailbook.
  • A teacher tries to take the day off by displaying an image of herself at her desk on the smartboard.
  • Betty White tries to help you remember your internet passwords by giving clues.
  • Nevin received no help for his move despite inviting his 3958 MySpace "friends."
  • A man gets pulled over and avoids a ticket by searching for and playing the officer's favorite song.
  • A kangaroo has to empty his pouch and put her kid through the airport security conveyor belt.
  • Green eggs and ham character posts dislikes on his profile.
  • Mother doing laundry receives crying text message from baby.
  • Little Red Riding Hood instant messages the big bad wolf "My, what big typos you have."