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  • Man doesn't know how to return a virtual snowball.
  • Surgeon wakes up patient who is snoring too loud.
  • Two envelopes at a marriage counseling session complain about openness.
  • Beggar offers to make you seem interesting on your blog if you give him money.
  • Neighbor compliments Christmas tree with orange car fur which he thinks is tinsel.
  • Judge tells defendant that Facebook friend request is inappropriate during trial.
  • Man wonders who downloaded dirty snow images on his computer while snowman stands outside window.
  • A man researches his symptoms online and concludes he has a sprained uterus.
  • Boy using Quicktime sees time speed up into the future.
  • Heart monitor display for etch-a-sketch inventor looks like etch-a-sketch drawing.
  • Mother calls tech support to adjust her baby and pets' internal clocks, which don't recognize daylight savings.
  • Man tells neighbor that after needing to fix numerous problems, he bought a replacement house instead.