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  • God tags himself in everyone's photos on Facebook since he's everywhere.
  • Dogs in security line avoid body scanner because they are eager to be pat down.
  • Cat adapts to technology by sleeping on keyboard instead of newspaper.
  • Snowman uses laptop computer and the heat melts his lap.
  • Goldilocks gets idea from Mama Bear's Facebook status.
  • Dog doesn't think date's smell matches his online description.
  • Santa updates whose house he's been to on his Twitter page.
  • Santa admires expensive sacks in the window display of Sacks Fifth Avenue.
  • Bryan didn't realize the policeman followed his speeding updates on Twitter.
  • Husband keeps wife from using fire escape to escape from monster.
  • Nail clipper is tired of clicking on thumbnails.
  • Trick-or-treaters twitter about their full-size candy bars and a crowd forms.