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  • Moby Dick receives a poke on Facebook from Ishmael.
  • Ed can't decide whether to print digital photos or digitize old photos.
  • Skeleton wife discovers husband visits racy Internet sites like Bare Bones.
  • Researcher needs expedited shipment of tranquilizer darts as tiger approaches now.
  • Student wonders why we need to learn anything if we have smartphones.
  • The next phase in laptop sizes is the liptop that sits on top of lip.
  • Distracted by her cell phone, Tooth Fairy takes eyeball instead of tooth.
  • Man thinks network is unsecure and hiding people prove it.
  • Toddle plays with laptop and ends up ordering tons of merchandise.
  • Students using ereaders are reminded to read the book, not watch the movie.
  • Dog posing as Garfield online gets caught by messing up likes and dislikes.
  • Doctor wants to post bizarre x-ray on Facebook page.