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  • Patient gets email from doctor using an illegible font.
  • Web site instructs dog owner how to get dog to wear heels instead of heel.
  • Web site takes a long time to load, like a musket.
  • Files stored in cloud storage rain down as binary code.
  • Submissive masochist clicks on "submit" button on website.
  • Mark Zuckerberg constantly changes like his Facebook platform.
  • Surgeon is still using old operating system with large blade and without anesthesia on patients.
  • Man thinks he can swipe painting like touch screen tablet to see next one.
  • Laptop is shocked about number of laps girlfriend has been on.
  • Turkey's dinner invitation gets him a stuffed behind, not face.
  • Ticks use Google Earl instead of Google Earth to see entire scalp landscape.
  • New dad exclaims he has a paper jam with the baby wipes.