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Browse our Computers Cartoons

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  • Computers meet at the menu bar as they all have menus bars on their screens.
  • Pitcher gets friend request from catcher and needs to decide to nod or shake him off.
  • Cat plays Edible Birds game instead of Angry Birds.
  • A man crashes his car into a pet shop and his luck worsens as many black cats escape.
  • Cat confronts pet owner about using dog's name as computer password.
  • Parkour video on YouTube inspires Humpty Dumpty's big fall.
  • Cat didn't realize he could be sleeping during walking.
  • Woman's sneeze causes laptop screen to snap back.
  • Cousin It applies for I.T. job opening.
  • Husband cannot remember password of wedding anniversary date.
  • Family plays with own electronic devices on family game night.
  • Satellites are upset their advanced technology is supporting short texting messages.