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  • The Nonthinker statue looks at his phone.
  • Alivesavers candy parodies Lifesavers.
  • An apple looks at porn online.
  • A man prints out a coloring book, but his kids draw on the computer instead.
  • A woman's insurance only covers the first result that comes up when her doctor Googles her symptoms.
  • With misspelling of complaint, Conplaints Desk gets complaints.
  • Doctors switch between game and patient's vitals on monitor.
  • Magritte's painting The Son of Man is updated with an Apple iPhone.
  • Boy's popularity peaked as an infant when dad's posted video went viral.
  • Cat writes How to Care for Your Cat website to get what he wants.
  • A smart vacuum keeps you from vacuuming legos and rings.
  • A woman switches dating sites when picnics are only common interest with ant.