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Browse our Computers Cartoons

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  • Charlie Brown plays with a virtual kite and gets tied up in computer cord.
  • A mom threatens to post her son's baby photos on Facebook if he doesn't call her more often.
  • Moses wants god to text him the commandments instead of giving them to him on tablets.
  • Zorro's email signature is a sword that comes out of the computer.
  • A modern toilet comes with a digital book reader.
  • A man wants to see other people -- a movie called Other People.
  • A shopping website offers shipping for your anniversary, which was yesterday.
  • A dog feels calmer about his owner leaving the house because he follows him on Twitter.
  • A woman's husband wants to know how often she updates her Facebook because their dog has grown so big.
  • A screw has the se talk with his son.
  • A cat gets jealous when his owner watches YouTube videos of cats who are cuter than him.
  • Dogs have to be at least 1 year old to look at dog porn.