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Browse our Computers Cartoons

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  • A piece of bread looks at porn of bread with its crust removed.
  • A cat uses its owner's name, Food Giver, as his password.
  • A tattoo artist tells a client he wishes his needles had autocorrect.
  • A man reads grilling tips and doesn't listen to the one that says to pay attention.
  • A mouse looks online to see what the cat will be doing at different hours.
  • Sharks post pictures of people at the beach online.
  • A caveman's cave-drawing profile picture is out of date.
  • A broom reassures a book in a bar that smartphones won't make it obsolete.
  • A man's pet parrot reposts his tweets.
  • A man is surprised to find that his date is a duck, since he thought she was just making a duck face in her profile picture.
  • The Scream is so upset because he accidentally sent a Reply All email.
  • Charlie Brown makes a Kickstarter and Lucy makes a Kickstopper to stop him.