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  • Emojis in a movie theater are horrified when the film suddenly becomes scary.
  • TSA Precheck turtle goes right through airline security without taking off shell.
  • Bird rates feeder 3.5 stars for poor ambiance from cats watching from a window.
  • Cat claws owner to be left alone.
  • Snoopy isn’t sure if his doghouse is a house, bed or plane so he can’t answer a captcha code online.
  • Cat and dog google how humans trick their pets.
  • Man’s dog loves his social media post.
  • Snowflake's phone is protected with shape recognition.
  • Parents disapprove of new emjoi boyfriend with face tattoo.
  • mobile phone vibrates in dog as owner tries to locate it.
  • Christmas tree decides to keep profile picture that was taken before he began losing needles.
  • Emojis have a support group for facial expressions have become stuck.