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Browse our Computers Cartoons

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  • Christmas tree on laptop is caught by wife looking at internet porn of naked tree with no leaves.
  • Potato woman on laptop likes online dating profile of Mr Potatohead with many ears.
  • Turkey on laptop checks Facebook to see how many friends marked themselves safe.
  • Woman at party says skip ad and pokes boring man on nose to get him to stop talking about life insurance.
  • Slice of bread in bag is horrified to see another outside has been badly burnt in a toaster.
  • Every morning Dr. Jekyll has to delete Mr. Hyde’s negative social media activity from the night before.
  • Witch accidentally hits reply all while casting a spell in a duel and turns all of the other witches into frogs.
  • Customers are arrested and jailed for minor consumer crimes.
  • Denim bluejeans hanging on clothesline are distressed by negative tweets on smartphone.
  • Cat reads five star review online for food liked for three whole days.
  • Boy gets an I on spelling test for cheating with the internet.
  • The Wizard of Oz likes Tinman’s Twitter post to give him a heart.