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  • Flies see multiple hexagon webcams on online video teleconference meeting.
  • Sad man regrets buying negative room-darkening window shades for room.
  • Telecommuting dad on computer shushes noisy son Mike not muted interrupting online video work meeting.
  • Star Wars R2-D2 on laptop clicks not the droid you’re looking for website robot security challenge.
  • Bug & human researchers watch crash test dummies about to splatter hitting car window.
  • Two workers named Victor write History on school classroom door window.
  • Mom on computer shopping Back -To-School clothing sale website sees pants discontinued as son does remote learning in underwear.
  • Telecommuting worker’s home office destroyed by new puppy intern pulling computer cord & making mess.
  • Man on laptop is charged excess baggage fee on therapist’s appointment invoice.
  • Telecommuting worker’s pet cat and dog coworkers steal pencil and papers home office supplies.
  • Anteater kids order ant farm ants sprinkles ice cream cone topping at anteater scoop shop window.
  • Stinky bad breath dog coworker on telecommuting man’s lap is work from home problem.