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  • A marionette cuts her boyfriend's strings because he insisted on becoming unattached.
  • A dentist accidentally drills his patient's tooth before numbing his mouth.
  • A new pilot crashes her plane into a spice factory, becoming a seasoned pilot.
  • A nudist has a nightmare that he's fully clothed in front of lots of people.
  • A courthouse is running around because it's in recess.
  • An orchestra's timpani player's music is just the word "Boom" over and over.
  • Shoes that are alligators are a bad idea.
  • No one told a woman that the effective communication seminar had been canceled.
  • Shop teachers can get discount manicures because they usually have fewer fingers.
  • A caveman only takes the part of a big cat's pelt he needs to wear.
  • A man gets turned down for a job position because he reminds the interviewer of someone he hated in high school.