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  • A man notices his doctor's wall doesn't have a medical license on it.
  • Birthing classes don't prepare you to swear as you give birth.
  • A seminar called The Art of Decision Making has two entrances.
  • A girl is disgusted to find out she has microorganisms living in her nose, but the microorganisms are even more grossed out.
  • A doctor approaches a patient with a spiky tool to give him wounds to test Band-Aids on.
  • An explorer walks under a wild cat just as the cat realizes he has to take his medication with food.
  • A man switches from teaching kindergarten to being a political lobbyist.
  • A chicken going to Perdue thinks he's going to college.
  • Surgeons check to see if people with cold hands have warm hearts.
  • Godzilla visits his old stomping grounds, which are a destroyed city.
  • A woman checks the dictionary for spelling, but thinks she spelled words upside-down because she's holding the dictionary upside-down.
  • A guinea pig mom makes new dishes for her family to try.