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  • The police do a breathalyzer on a man that was pulled over.
  • A fly tells other flies there is a difference between a skimmer and a swatter.
  • Betsy Ross had a collection of star stickers for getting questions right in Preschool.
  • The Introduction to Law professor has his class help him get out of a speeding ticket.
  • Pinocchio gets bored in wood shop as soon as class begins.
  • The intern always makes a lot of holes in the tree when trying to get the sap.
  • Testers punch each other for every bug found at the Volkswagen headquarters.
  • Cats have to learn dog as a foreign language, and use different dialects.
  • Houdini watched films of cats going to the vet to perfect his escape techniques.
  • A Rene Magritte painting is also William Tell's worst nightmare.
  • Crash test dogs are used to test the side mirror air bags in a collision.
  • A boy uses a 'Harry Potter' type spell in his classroom to speed up time.