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  • A snowman uses snow cone syrup to pretend to have chicken pox.
  • The Wizard of Oz's HMO only covers things you don't need.
  • A crash test dummy meeting ends with hitting the bricks.
  • A girl pretends to be practicing by playing music on her computer.
  • Bendy straws are yoga instructors since they are flexible.
  • A teacher does her grades with calligraphy so they can't be changed.
  • A girl signs up for the Do-Not-Call-On-Me list at school.
  • The retired jerseys of former Spelling Bee champions.
  • Gym class where fairy tales are used as equipment.
  • A boy steals his dad's collector's lunchbox from the attic.
  • A student athlete trains with picture-in-picture on the television.
  • A girl knows so much about animal anatomy because of her cats.