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  • A dog goes to a nose doctor to get his sense of smell checked.
  • A school has a talent show, the winner of which will get a record deal like on American Idol.
  • The cast of Gilligan's Island goes on a musical tour.
  • A girl is putting make-up on a globe in cosmology class.
  • A classroom of witches practice a water drill at school.
  • A teacher breaks through the window to run away during a fire drill.
  • Dog wonders why he stayed in school when he could have become a trash collector dog.
  • Without paper confetti available, the New Year's Eve party throws shredded computer monitors.
  • A boy tells his locker neighbor his zit count, not the locker combination.
  • Turkey's take chicken as a foreign language.
  • There's no substitute teacher, so the shop teacher builds a robot sub.
  • A school prep kit for toddlers is a weight you strap to them like a backpack.