FUNNY scientist cartoons & comics investigate the science of humor! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Scientists Cartoons

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  • Emojis are created by a scientist in a lab.
  • Frankenstein's monster asks Frankenstein to change his wife's mind whenever they argue.
  • A mouse does poorly in a maze study because he's lactose intolerant and doesn't want cheese.
  • A new wind turbine designed like a mime acts like it's windy even when it isn't.
  • Researchers try to trap a tiger, but the tiger plays in the trap's box instead.
  • A mouse in a maze goes faster when he's rewarded with bacon instead of cheese.
  • A woman's husband never forgets their anniversary because he invented the time machine.
  • A man thinks that his mosquito net is working, but then realizes it's a spider web.
  • The mad scientist has other emotions: annoyed, giddy, and confused.
  • Cat scientists use quantum physics to find a way to be on both sides of the door at once.
  • A mouse hacks through a maze like Jack Nicholson in The Shining.