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  • A woman thinks people look like ants from the top floor of the genetic engineering facility, but really they're giant ants.
  • A primitive man discovers the rubber tree.
  • A shark tries to get into a diving cage with a bottle opener.
  • People crash testing a car have a crash test bug fly into the windshield.
  • Aliens learn what traffic signal lights mean on Earth - green for proceed and red for stop and put your finger in your nose.
  • Different foods in stomach are told exactly where to go, with carrots headed for the eyes, milk to the bones, and cake to the butt.
  • Lucy, the blood cell, runs off with another blood cell in the artery, while Tim, the blood cell, waits in vain - in the vein.
  • Giant turtle, after swallowing man, scares workers away by asking them if guy looks good in a turtleneck, and man is visible inside turtle's throat.
  • World's first cuckoo clock is a giant pterodactyl popping out of a clock and scaring the cavemen.
  • Scientist holding genetically altered skunk tells boss that it sprays deodorant and is a good gift for people that neglect personal hygiene.
  • The Earth, surrounded by satellites in space, says that he feels like he's being watched.
  • Vein points to map of human body, giving weather report, including high temperature of 98.6, periods of high pressure, and frequent cold-bloodedness.