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Browse our Other Sciences Cartoons

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  • A man's X-rays show he has a jealous bone in his body.
  • It would be useful if babies' bellybuttons were snooze buttons.
  • A caveman tries to pretend to be an inedible garnish so a dinosaur won't eat him.
  • A man wishes he could hear his new baby's thoughts, but the baby is hoping he doesn't inherit his dad's nose.
  • Piranhas break into a crate of Head and Shoulders and are disappointed that it's just shampoo.
  • A girl is disgusted to find out she has microorganisms living in her nose, but the microorganisms are even more grossed out.
  • A probe for Saturn is ready to launch, but the clock on it keeps flashing 12:00.
  • A doctor approaches a patient with a spiky tool to give him wounds to test Band-Aids on.
  • Surgeons check to see if people with cold hands have warm hearts.
  • A fetus smacks the side of the womb because its mom's stomach is growling too loudly.
  • A guinea pig mom makes new dishes for her family to try.
  • A football center doesn't mind bruises, but he doesn't like how cold the quarterback's hands are.