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  • Anteater with long tongue hanging out mouth regrets plastic surgery.
  • Chairs and tables in flamingos’ home built with missing legs for birds.
  • Salmon swimming upstream thinks fishing grizzly bears are waving paws.
  • Fashionable sun’s stylish accessories amaze astrologers in observatory.
  • Anteater on date flirts let’s pretend we have ants in our pants.
  • Confused narwhale in love mistakes snowman carrot nose for horn.
  • Oyster leaving smelly bathroom tells grossed out party guests poops can’t all be pearls.
  • Flattered frozen lake takes man’s thin ice danger sign as a compliment.
  • Oriole songbird Oreo cookie spoof is bird flavored for cats.
  • Owl in bed asks bird with head turned face up if it sleeps on stomach & answers that it is.
  • Self-conscious sun in sky tells women cold weather shortening days length excuse.
  • Fluffy pet hair kitties finally meet their match in messy Christmas tree pine needles.