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Browse our Environmental Cartoons

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  • To protect birds from dying from eating rice thrown at wedding, induce vomiting.
  • A woman accidentally gives her husband milk and her baby coffee, making her baby bounce off the walls with energy.
  • Aliens from Pluto are angry at Earthlings for representing them with a silly dog.
  • Loggers accidentally cut down the hollow tree that the Keebler elves live in.
  • Pinocchio lies on purpose so his nose gets long enough that he can crush a spider.
  • The Green Giant sprays Raid on his armpits.
  • A guilt-ridden man goes grocery shopping.
  • A man accidentally drains the sun by leaving his solar calculator on.
  • A bug spray for rappelling bugs has bugs rappelling down the side.
  • Godzilla needs to stop eating Mercury cars.
  • A scientist investigates ways to survive the depleted ozone layer by working on her tan.
  • A caveman only takes the part of a big cat's pelt he needs to wear.