FUNNY environmental cartoons & comics recycle the laughs! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Environmental Cartoons

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  • Tuna fish wear dolphin costumes to avoid getting fished.
  • The cartoon presents the newest ways to waste time.
  • During the 70s, cities would use Pete Townsend's windmill as emergency power.
  • A robber threatens the Green Giant with weed killer.
  • Oscar the Grouch dies because he fell asleep in the recycling bin.
  • Bob Dylan gets an electric lawn mower.
  • Smokey Bear's wife puts up a sign saying her and her husband's bedroom is a smokey-free environment.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • Head lice are worried about receding hair.
  • Beach vacation photos used to have crabs biting a man's foot, but now they have a needle stabbing his toe.
  • A dog goes on a patch so he'll stop being addicted to chasing cars.
  • Barney the Purple Dinosaur kicks kids out of the way to get to his morning coffee.