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Browse our Environmental Cartoons

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  • A man is so meticulous about filing the dishwasher before using it that he could have handwashed everything for the same effort.
  • Cats refuse to let a man take down his Christmas tree.
  • A car is so small, it can run on D-Cells.
  • A dinosaur mystic predicts that a dinosaur will be devoured by a huge land rover, both soon and very far in the future.
  • A horse looks at fertilizer in a store.
  • A field is full of four-leaf clovers because a radioactive power station is nearby.
  • The old woman who lives in a shoe makes it more aesthetically pleasing with feng shui.
  • Humans are to aliens what dinosaurs were to humans -- fuel.
  • The three blind mice became blind because they looked at the sun with binoculars.
  • Cat recycling has three bins: feathers, tiny bones, and beaks.
  • Housecats go outside for the first time.
  • A spider doesn't like having to wash insecticide and peel stickers off fruitflies.