FUNNY environmental cartoons & comics recycle the laughs! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Environmental Cartoons

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  • Whitestone National Park is renamed Yellowstone after a group of dogs visit.
  • This man is ridden with guilt for everything he does.
  • A scientist theorizes about balloons contributing to global warming.
  • A little girl does more stretches during a half hour cartoon than her mom's friend does in three months of yoga.
  • Frankenstein gets a tattoo saying his is made out of recycled materials.
  • People celebrating St. Patrick's Day come to Ralph Nader's office for a green party.
  • Old Christmas trees get recycled into car air fresheners.
  • Rudolph gets a cold and Santa has to wear a biohazard suit to take out the tissues in his trash.
  • A school of fish have an assignment to write about the future.
  • Army ants reveal plans for a magnifying glass weapon.
  • The Hundred Acre Wood is reduced to a hundredth of an acre during a suburban sprawl.
  • Extreme Sports that normal people do in the summer.