FUNNY environmental cartoons & comics recycle the laughs! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Environmental Cartoons

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  • The Earth takes off Earth Day, leaving everything floating in space.
  • A fish listening to Earth Wind and Fire can't relate to the music.
  • A flying carpet owner is never tailgates because he owns a cat.
  • Headache inducer is used to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle.
  • An electric eel is a hybrid because he also has gas.
  • Animals in the rain forest evolved to have umbrellas over their heads.
  • A man thinks straightening gel is making his pigs' tails straight.
  • A boy does a project about Earth Day in school.
  • A gingerbread house that is made using Feng Shui.
  • A tree gives his life to save others from a lumberjack.
  • Batman runs out of gas with his sports utility belt.
  • A crocodile has to bring empty turtle shells back to the store.