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  • Wine bottles party guests gossip about older wine lady dating younger grapes bunch.
  • Hummingbird scolds trendy young bird wearing baseball cap for beatboxing instead of humming.
  • Duckbilled platypus on laptop family tree website surprised panda & giraffe are it’s relatives.
  • Single cell psychiatrist thinks stressed patients splitting in 2 have textbook case separation anxiety.
  • Lady on laptop online family tree website searches back to early single cell life.
  • Tyranosaurus tells caught worm dinosaurs early birds if think about it.
  • Three head male praying mantis at bar flirting with female insect evolved to mate more than once.
  • Whale taxes accountant asks shark covered in clinging fish if has any dependents.
  • Driver filling car at gas station sees made with free range dinosaurs sign greenwashing fossil fuels.
  • Weightlifting fish left behind by evolved fish with feet on land regrets skipping leg day exercises.
  • Caterpillar says changing butterfly in cocoon is going through midlife chrysalis bug crisis.
  • Office worker bug interviewing butterfly notices gap in employment history on resume.