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Boy holding starfish asks dad, who is videoing, if video will be good enough for TV, dad agrees because shark is about to eat boy.
Mother sheet of paper has staples, daughter has paper clips, mom tells daughter she is too young for staples.
Family see a bear, man smiles and looks friendly so bear will go after others, but bear thinks he is bearing his teeth and decides to eat him.
Husband faxes wife dirty diaper and asks for clean one in return because he doesn't know how to change the baby's diaper.
One pair of pliers tells another pair of pliers that Billy is being punished and can't come out and ply, instead of play.
Father alligator tells mother alligator that their baby is getting big, and he wonders if they should flush her down the toilet.
Older weed tells younger weed if he mouths off to him again, he will reconsider his opposition to the weedwhacker.
Doctor listens to pregnant woman's belly, she asks him how many heartbeats he hears because baby is in womb playing bongos.
Children watching National Geographic are scared of mom because mother turtles abandon young, and mother chameleons eat their young.
Mother capital I tells son, Irving, to stop teasing his brothers because he is keeping the dots for their I's away from them.
Student realizes she doesn't have her homework, but her dad's policital campaign speech, while Dad gives speech talking about liking Mommy and being pretty in dresses.
Spoon tells fork that first impressions are crucial with her parents, asks fork to do something with his hair, which are fork tines.