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  • Headless snowman complains snowmen couple’s too hard kiss pushed snowball head off body.
  • Catfish on smartphone dating app doesn’t trust fish dates’ fake online profile photos.
  • Candy cane on smartphone loves crushes’ online profile photo on candies singles website.
  • Snowman in love says date makes him feel all warm but it was peeing dog.
  • Nervous dog dating vacuum cleaner says I’d be lying if I said relationship didn’t scare me.
  • Snow lady asks snowman spouse to help button rocks on dress back.
  • Self-conscious guy burned clothes on fire after date’s nice shirts compliments become unenthusiastic greeting.
  • Supportive root vegetable onion, carrot, beet & potato fan veggies cheer friendly encouragement.
  • Tired smartphone in bed tells partner it was autoplaying videos in sleep again.
  • Reindeer in bed plugs smartphone charging cable to asleep Rudolph bulb outlet nose.