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  • Dad clock tells boy if he dates daughter, his hands are not springing forward.
  • A woman's hot flashes mean her heating bills are cheaper.
  • A straw stays in its paper covering when meeting new people.
  • A man gives a woman a bouquet of flowers whose petals he plucked off to find out if she loved him.
  • The Wizard of Oz and the Tinman develop a romantic relationship after the Wizard gives the Tinman a heart at the end of the movie.
  • A male bear warns his friend that the girl bear at the bar is promiscuous.
  • A gingerbread man ogles a gingerbread woman and she accuses him of unfrosting her with his eyes.
  • The gold chain Jason gives his wife is for the chainsaw.
  • A woman gives her husband body armor as a gift because their cat is so vicious.