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  • Mom yells at Godzilla dad for roughhousing and making baby spit up after dinner.
  • Woman seahorse gets a maternity lawsuit by male seahorse with babies.
  • Tulip asks why flower has put on rose-colored glasses.
  • Flower is convinced she is loved when flower loses all his petals.
  • Piranha kid complains to mom that sister got one more bite of human.
  • Wife complains to frog that he doesn't take her plaguing anymore.
  • Mitzi The dog chooses not to listen when told to stay.
  • Wife complains to therapist her ipad husband falls asleep unless she is touching him.
  • As a baby Chef Ramsay complains about his mother's bland breastmilk.
  • Cat is caught on online photo having purr face on with another cat.
  • Chocolate bunny is attracted to bunny when he said hollow.
  • American and European electric eels don't have compatible voltages.