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  • Woman checks smartphone app to see how much man spent on her Christmas gifts.
  • Snow woman complains that melting snowman date’s online profile said he was taller and he answers he was that morning.
  • Christmas tree on laptop is caught by wife looking at internet porn of naked tree with no leaves.
  • Potato woman on laptop likes online dating profile of Mr Potatohead with many ears.
  • Turkey on laptop checks Facebook to see how many friends marked themselves safe.
  • Witch and Frankenstein’s first date is off to a bad start because of their opposite fears of fire and water.
  • Mummy puts a fake mummy in his place to fool his wife into thinking he’s listening while he watches TV instead.
  • Crying patient in psychologist’s office is upset about missing summer.
  • Man girlfriend’s name tattooed on back gets texted break up on smartphone.
  • Hot dog, catsup, burger and mustard all feel they’ve made a terrible mistake with who they’re dating.
  • Daisy flower is happy with a fortune cookie slip saying that in love, no one will pick them.
  • Woman wearing headset wants to break up because she prefers her virtual boyfriend.