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Browse our Other Relationships Cartoons

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  • Hen wife in couple’s therapy with rooster husband says just once she’d like to sleep late.
  • Gossiping bananas think green banana boyfriend is too young for spotted brown banana girlfriend.
  • Lego brick toy breaks up with foot on romantic date, saying it will just hurt it.
  • Female peacock thinks male with only three tail feathers displayed isn’t fully committed to their relationship.
  • Sad moth on laptop looks at photos of burning fires on social media at night.
  • Sad bookmarks at bar complain their good relationships are always the shortest.
  • Origin of hibernation is bear husband pretending to sleep when wife asks what its Valentine’s Day present is.
  • Smartphone tells date they want to remember this moment but will need to delete another first.
  • Cat in restaurant says can always tell couple on first date as two cats scratch and hiss at each other.
  • Mitten suspects wife of infidelity because one of their children is a glove.
  • Fire work in cinema is scared by film’s happy ending of couple kissing while fireworks explode.
  • Dog husband is frustrated by wife with laptop in bed wearing sign that says “Working, Do Not Pet.”