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  • Apostrophe couple joined in marriage as quotation marks at punctuation wedding.
  • Dog is a motion detector when barking out window and an emotion detector when comforting sad owner.
  • Worried man shaped like fireplug hydrant tells date opening door he’s not looking forward to meeting her dog.
  • Man asks woman walking dog if he’s friendly and smartphone pings with social media friend request.
  • Iphone on laptop browses find my cellphone online dating profile website.
  • Dog tells sneaky date stealing food she’s lost in his eyes but not that lost, grabbing his paw.
  • Snowflake on laptop is surprised it has no matches on Ancestry genealogy website online search.
  • Woman on date asks man his relationship goals and he says “know intimacy” but she hears “no” and leaves.
  • Snowman on laptop sees snow removal website ad and wonders if its relationship is in trouble.
  • Snowman therapist asks snowmen with poked in chests in couples counseling if they push each other’s buttons.
  • Suspicious snowman sees salted foods on computer browser history as wife brings him a snack.
  • Red and yellow leaves arguing in bed have both changed since beginning their relationship green.