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Browse our Love & Romance Cartoons

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  • Two men go to what they think is Singles Night at a club, but it turns out to be Singes Night and they come out burnt.
  • A gingerbread woman is mad at her boyfriend because he ate his legs and arms and is full of himself now.
  • Oscar the grouch, Barney, Sylvester and Eeyore pick unsuitable jobs that end their careers.
  • A bunch of melons squeeze each other at singles night at a bar.
  • A girl pig doesn't want to kiss her boyfriend because he has an ugly hair on his chinny-chin-chin.
  • A man asks his kid if he saw his mom kissing Santa Claus after his wife gives birth to a baby with a white beard.
  • A fork hits on a spoon.
  • Pig-Pen grows up and works for a sex line called 1-900-ME-DIRTY.
  • The Planters peanut is unsalted after his date throws her drink on him.
  • A man reads his fortune cookie, but it's just an advertisement for a $4 a minute hotline called 1-900-FORTUNE.
  • A lion eats Juan Valdez just before bedtime and then can't get to sleep.
  • The blob gets pants for his birthday.