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Browse our Love & Romance Cartoons

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  • A woman throws her husband away when he neglects to take out the trash.
  • A key hides from his wife in the garage.
  • A dog kisses its owner and his wife.
  • A woman doesn't stop watching her soap operas because of amnesia.
  • The Blue Man Group meets the Pink Woman Group.
  • A relationship has a hurdle when spelling Hanukkah differently.
  • Bendy straws are yoga instructors since they are flexible.
  • Frankenstein tries to reanimate the turkey leftovers.
  • Woman overcooks the turkey so it is dry.
  • A fish can sleep, but looks like he is paying attention while she chats.
  • Prince Charming uses the Internet to find the person who has the other glass slipper.
  • The Tin Man's dog is a direct descendant of Rin Tin Tin