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  • A baby conehead is born with a round head.
  • Hobbes goes to therapy because people treat him as if he were imaginary.
  • The Green Giant tells his therapist he's falling in love with his best friend's Chia Pet.
  • A firecracker realizes smoking is bad for him.
  • A bug goes to therapy because he doesn't feel snug in a rug.
  • People get ailments associated with their electronics.
  • The Abominable Snowman is upset that no one describes him nicely.
  • A glue bottle goes to therapy because it never bonded as a child.
  • A naked emperor plummets into a moat of alligators.
  • A snow plough shaves off half of a snowman's body.
  • A cat hasn't slept in two hours, so he goes to therapy.